This list of plays directed by Maria Irene Fornés was compiled by Scott T. Cummings. All plays are written by Fornés unless otherwise indicated.
The Danube by María Irene Fornés, produced by The American Place Theater, directed by Fornés in 1984.
Eve (Kate Collins), Paul (Richard Sale), and Mr. Sandor (Sam Gray) engage in Hungarian language-instruction exercises.
Photo: Carol Halebian
This list of plays directed by Maria Irene Fornés was compiled by Scott T. Cummings. All plays are written by Fornés unless otherwise indicated. Please send corrections or comments to cumminsc@bc.edu.
The Successful Life Of 3
1965 Firehouse Theatre, Minneapolis, MN
A Vietnamese Wedding
1967 Washington Square Methodist Church, New York, NY
1967 Moore College, Philadelphia, PA
The Annunciation
1967 Judson Poets Theatre, Judson Memorial Church, New York, NY
Dr. Kheal
1974 American Place Theatre, New York, NY
Molly’s Dream
1968 New Dramatists Committee, New York, NY
1973 New York Theater Strategy, Manhattan Theatre Club, New York, NY
The Curse of the Langston House
1972 Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, Cincinnati, OH
1974 New York Theatre Strategy, Theatre of the Riverside Church, New York, NY
1975 INTAR, New York, NY
1975 outdoor festival in Lincoln Center Plaza & at Cloisters, New York, NY
1976 Theater for the New City, New York, NY
Fefu and Her Friends (Obie Award for Playwriting and Directing — 1977)
1977 New York Theatre Strategy, Relativity Media Lab, New York, NY
1978 American Place Theatre, New York, NY
1979 Padua Hills Festival, CA
1979 Pasadena Community Arts Center, Brookside Theatre, Pasadena, CA
1979 University of Wisconsin, Parkside, Parkside, WI
1986 At The Foot Of The Mountain, Minneapolis, MN
1987 At The Foot Of The Mountain, Minneapolis, MN
1989 New City Theatre, Seattle, WA
Lolita in the Garden
1977 INTAR, New York, NY
In Service
1978 Padua Hills Festival, Padua Hills, CA
Eyes on the Harem (Obie Award for Directing — 1979)
1979 INTAR, New York, NY
Evelyn Brown (A Diary)
1980 Theater for the New City, New York, NY
Life is Dream (translation and adaptation by Fornés from Pedro Calderón de la Barca)
1981 INTAR, New York, NY
A Visit
1981 Padua Hills Festival, Los Angeles, CA
1982 Theater for the New City, New York, NY
The Danube (Obie Award for Playwriting and Directing — 1984, with Mud and Sarita)
1982 Padua Hills Festival, Los Angeles, CA
1983 Theater for the New City, New York, NY
1984 American Place Theater, New York, NY
Exiles (by Ana María Simo)
1982 INTAR, New York NY
Mud (Obie Award for Playwriting and Directing — 1984, with The Danube and Sarita)
1983 Padua Hills Festival, Los Angeles, CA
1983 Theater for the New City, New York, NY
1985 Omaha Magic Theatre, Omaha, NB (toured to Boston)
1991 Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, Milwaukee, WI
Sarita (Obie Award for Playwriting and Directing — 1984, with The Danube and Mud)
1984 INTAR, New York, NY
No Time (early version of The Conduct of Life)
1984 Padua Hills Festival, Los Angeles, CA
The Conduct of Life (Obie Award for Best New Play — 1985)
1985 Theater for the New City, New York, NY
Cold Air (translation/adaptation of play by Virgilio Piñera)
1986 INTAR, New York, NY
A Matter of Faith
1986 Theater for the New City, New York, NY
Lovers and Keepers
1985 workshop production, Woodstock, NY
1986 INTAR, New York, NY
1986 City Theatre Company, Pittsburgh, PA
The Mothers (later changed to Charlie)
1986 Padua Hills Playwrights Festival, CA
Hedda Gabler (adaptation of Henrik Ibsen)
1987 Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, Milwaukee, WI
Uncle Vanya (adaptation of Anton Chekhov by Fornés from translation by Marian Fell)
1987 Classic Stage Company, New York NY
Drowning (adaptation of Chekhov story for Acting Company’s Orchards)
1988 Padua Hills Playwrights Festival
1992 Magic Theatre, San Francisco, CA
Oscar and Bertha
1987 Guthrie Theatre, Minneapolis, MN (workshop)
1989 Padua Hills Playwrights Festival, CA (workshop production)
1992 Magic Theatre, San Francisco, CA
Abingdon Square
1987 Women’s Project and Productions, Inc., American Place Theater, New York, NY
1988 Studio Arena Theatre, Buffalo, NY
1992 San Diego Repertory Theatre, San Diego, CA
1988 En Garde Arts, New York, NY (site-specific play as part of “Three Pieces for a Warehouse”)
And What of the Night? (Charlie, Springtime, Lust, Hunger)
1988 Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, Milwaukee, WI (workshop, under the title Give Us This Day)
1989 Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, Milwaukee, WI
1990 Trinity Repertory Company, Providence, RI
1997 Springtime (on a bill with Albee’s Counting The Ways directed by Joe Chaikin), Theater for the New City, New York, NY
Going to New England (by Ana María Simo)
1990 INTAR, New York NY
Dogs (by Leo Garcia)
1990 West Coast Ensemble, Los Angeles, CA
Shadow of a Man (by Cherrie Moraga)
1990 Eureka Theatre, San Francisco CA
Terra Incognita
1991 Storm King Center, Storm King, NY (workshop)
1992 Dionysia Festival, ITALY (workshop)
1994 Padua Hills Playwrights Festival, Burbank CA
1997 INTAR, New York, NY
Enter the Night
1993 Theater Zero, New City Theater and Art Center, Seattle, WA
1993 Dallas Theater Center, Dallas, TX
It Is/It Is Not (two one-act plays by Manuel Pereiras Garcia)
1994 Theatre for the New City, New York NY
Any Place But Here by Caridad Svich
1995 Theater for the New City
The Summer at Gossensass
1994 Iowa Playwright’s Workshop, University of Iowa, Iowa City IA (early version of the play under the title Ibsen and the Actress)
1995 Padua Hills Playwrights Festival, Padua Hills, CA
1997 Women’s Project and Productions, New York, NY (workshop)
1998 Women’s Project and Productions, New York, NY
Letters from Cuba
2000 Signature Theatre, New York, NY